files would remain opened/locked after the search ended (32/64)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Right/Left arrow no longer jumped to file under the cursor in the target window (32/64)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: F7 and Shift+F4: Allow to create numbered folders/files also in specified path, e.g.

Code 27.09.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 2 (32/64)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: Couldn't delete an NTFS link in a protected directory like "Program files" pointing to a file if the target file was deleted (32/64)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: Compare by content: "Save as" dialog had wrong size on secondary screen with different DPI (32)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Fixed problems with font sizes when moving dialog box between different dpi screens (32/64)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: Lister (F3) could start with wrong font size on Windows 10 Creators Update when its position wasn't saved by the user yet (64)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: Lister (F3) could start with tiny window on Windows 10 Creators Update when its position wasn't saved by the user yet (32)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: Search for office xml in archives could sometimes cause a crash, depending on the searched office file contents (32/64)Ģ7.09.17 Fixed: Search for office xml in archives -> zip file containing.